

Jun 20, 2013

20 Weeks

I grew up in a small town near the seacoast of New Hampshire. It was the kind of town you might expect to see on a postcard bursting with fall colors, dry-staked stone walls and one room schoolhouses; the stuff of Robert Frost poems and Martha Stewart magazines. My home life in that town, however, was not always a like a postcard. My parents divorced when I was young and I grew up with a distant stepfather and a biological father who was often too busy battling his own demons to make sufficient time for his two sons. Years later I can say with certainty that my parents loved me, and that they, truly, did the best that they could. I am, after all, exactly who I am today because of them, and I wouldn’t change a thing about my past. But that is not to say that I don’t have very intentional plans to change my future.

When I married a beautiful Southern Belle named Carrie, our college pastor once shared with me that he sensed God was calling me to “break the sin cycles” of my family history. His words touched me in a place that had been barren for years; the place of dreaming, the place of vision, the place of hope.

And so it was when God gave us our first son, Luke,  that I remember a very specific sense of awe and confirmation that maybe God actually intended to accomplish through me what I had considered the impossible, the reversal of history and the redemption of a messy storyline.   

When God blessed us with our second son, Andrew, the feeling of grace and responsibility was overwhelming. Again, God whispered hope and blessing into our lives and an eternal sense of purpose to raise the next generation of Woodworths to be a generation of men who loved the Lord, and stayed with their wives.

Then, for a third time, my wife became pregnant. This one was not planned, not for this time in life anyway, when work, and children, and marriage, and graduate school seemed to be pushing in on every side. So it was that one morning I found myself on a long walk in the woods praying to God for guidance, and wisdom, and protection for the little one now growing in the womb of my bride. And as I rested on a nearby log the spirit of God spoke to my own spirit saying, “it will be a boy, and his name will be Zachary.” Such divine conversations were far from the norm for me.   

I shared the experience with my wife and we both agreed that in true “better-safe-than-sorry” fashion we should simply call him Zachary if he is indeed a boy.

We visited the doctor on the day of our scheduled appointment after my wife had consumed an extra measure of caffeine to ensure the little bean would move enough to give us a clear view. The ultrasound technician moved the electronics over her smooth tummy until the screen of static before us slowly cleared to reveal to us, for the first time, our child.  “It is a boy.”

The words echoed in my mind as my wife and I embraced with the clarity of God’s redemptive purposes for us, for all of us, for the magnificent way in which he graciously offered us not just one, or even two chances, but now even three times as many opportunities to bless the future of our family name, His family name.

I met each of my sons for the very first time at 20 weeks. And in that moment I heard their heartbeat for the first time, I watched them suck their fingers, and caught them responding to the sound of our voices. They had eyes, noses, feet, legs, arms, lungs and all the potential necessary to utterly transform the pictures in the family photo album of my mind.

20 weeks. That is when I met them for the first time. And while I do not wish to politicize this story, their story, I will say that to suggest that in that moment it was my wife’s “right” to have a “choice” to end their story is, arguably, one of the greatest injustices that our world has ever known.   


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About Me

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I am a father and I am a son. I am adopted and rescued...a friend of Jesus. I am Carrie's husband and dad to Luke, Andrew and Zachary. I am the Director of Spiritual Formation at Toccoa Falls College and an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC). I am a teacher who loves to engage the world with words and I am a Christian who aims to be the Good News in speech in deed. I am an artist attempting to create good art that glorifies the Creator and encourages his creation to seek him.